Dick Hewitson: Artist

Dick's paintings often arise from interpretation of landscape. Living in Dorset, many of his landscape-based works are contemporary interpretations of Dorset, with varying degrees of figuration. There is always some 'abstraction' in his landscapes. His work sometimes takes on a specific focus, for instance a significant number of works about WW2 Dorset coastal defences.

Currently he is mainly painting in Oils on canvas, board or wood panel. His works often make use of prior field sketches. Studio drawings often play a significant part in composition - using drawing as a thinking tool.

He actually started painting in the sixties, and continued until about 1972, when other aspects of life made it more difficult. After a long gap, he began painting seriously around 2011/2012, and started entering 'Open' exhibitions in 2013.

He exhibits widely in Dorset, and in London, Hampshire, Devon, Bristol and the South-West; for instance he has had work in the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition (London), the RWA Annual Open (Bristol), the Bath Society of Artists Open and The Black Swan Arts Open in Frome.
Full details of exhibitions can be found on the Exhibitions page.

Gallery: a sample of works from 2014 to 2022

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